Well, I knew it was going to happen when Bob told me that he would drive me any place I wanted to go, because he doesn't want me to get lost and have to have a policeman bring me home like I did when we lived in Edinburg after living there for fifteen years.
First I have to explain how up and down the stock market has been the last few weeks. You realize it has lost a ton of money; therefore Bob assumes we lost a fortune also; true or not. Time will tell.
SO-O-O-O, this afternoon I asked him to take me to Michaels, so I could use one of my 50% off coupons. He said he would; but we should be careful about what we spend for awhile; because he just bought some shelves for $160 dollars, and a new weed eater for ??? dollars. I didn't know he had done that. What else that he isn't telling you is that he spends $40.00 dollars a week on cigarettes; and I stopped smoking 5 years ago. (HINT! HINT! Look at the money I have saved from not smoking; of course I haven't told you how much money I have spent on my relative new hobby of greeting card making with rubber stamps or that I spent $80 dollars last night on Cuttlebug folders to support my habit of gathering items to make greeting cards.)
The outcome of this whole outburst is that I didn't go to Michaels. Dag-gum-it!!!!!!!!!! AND I knew this would happen, that he would try to control my spending by insisting on driving me everywhere I go. You would think I spend all of our money and I didn't earn any money or earned retirement money.
P.S. Since this appears to be a "Bash Bob" blog today; I have to tell you what else he did. I keep an empty Walmart or HEB plastic bag for my trash beside the couch where I spend the most of my time in the loft here at Diane's house. Bob always takes my bag of trash to the larger trash can and leaves me without a small plastic bag.
Well!!!!!!!!!!! This afternoon he tried to take my little trash bag and I told him, "NO-O-O!!!!!!!! it wasn't full." He gave me one of those disgusted sighs and looks and left it. Thank goodness!
Sometimes I think we are like oil and water; but we have been married for 45 years, so-o-o-o we must have blended together some time or another. LOL LOL LOL Oh - we have 3 daughters, 3 sons-in-law, 6 grandchildren, 2 grand-dogs, and 5 grand-cats and maybe I have counted wrong.